Epsilon takes pride in being involved within our community, part of that involvement is volunteering. With the help and partnership of United Way of Ashevlle and Buncombe County we have had the pleasure of giving our time at Erwin Middle School. With more than 17 languages spoken, the students at Erwin Middle represent a significant amount of diversity. The Erwin District also has high poverty levels which means 80% of the Student population is on free and reduced lunch.
Over the last three years, Epsilon and its employees have been continuously increasing their volunteer efforts at Erwin. We help to kick off each new school year with landscaping and external beautification projects, painting walls and benches, assisting teachers with class room set up. This year we assisted with painting a student driven Mural in the cafeteria. Along with volunteering at the school, Epsilon and it’s employees donated multiple school supplies that were desperately needed by the teachers, staff, and student body.

“Each year I am personally excited to take part in our volunteer days at Erwin, it feels good to help a part of our community and it make a big impact on the teachers and students. This year Kate Heavner, Sara Ream and I got to help with a mural in the cafeteria that represents all of the languages spoken at Erwin, 17 in total! I was able to contribute to the American Sign language portion of the mural, Kate and Sara worked on finishing up the lettering as well as adding finishing touches!” – Julie Chavez, Director of Recruiting, Epsilon, Inc.
“Due to public policy and budget cuts, teachers often end up paying for things out of their own pockets (NC is in the top 10 for worst paid teacher salaries in the nation). So, having volunteer groups like EPISLON come in means the WORLD to us. When we see people physically coming to the school to try to support us, and make our lives a little bit easier, it makes an incredible difference.” – Linnea Burgevin, Resource Coordinator, Erwin Middle School
Julie Chavez is the Director of Recruiting at Epsilon, Inc, a Managed Services Provider based in NC. Epsilon provides great IT career opportunities in both the commercial and federal sectors, ranging from Help Desk, to Engineering, to Cybersecurity. To find out more about Epsilon Careers, please visit us at https://epsilon-inc.com/careers/