Epsilon is proud to announce that it has met all personnel, specialization, performance, support requirements and has demonstrated that it is qualified to sell, install, and support Cisco solutions through its Select Integrator, Select Provider, and Small Business Specialization.
“I couldn’t be more pleased that Epsilon has attained a Select Integrator and Provider designation with a Small Business Specialization with Cisco. Epsilon has always valued our Cisco partnership and the level of expertise and scrutiny that they require to keep your partnership up to date,” said Matt Fraser, Vice President of Epsilon’s Commercial Services. “Cisco certification is the gold standard for network and security. Continuing to advance our partnership level with Cisco means that our employees are advancing in their knowledge and expertise in those areas. In addition, Epsilon continues to excel in our Cisco deployments, ongoing monitoring, and maintenance services to ensure our customers can rely on best-in-breed network and security solutions.”